This category has become that much more important after being marked off as a pandemic target. Anything that adversely affects the heart and lungs calls for immediate corrective action. Shortness of breath, a persistent cough or a general feeling of malaise could be pointing to a cardio-pulmonary issue.

At Dubai London Clinic, we specialize in prevention and rehabilitation to help tackle conditions such as:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart attacks
  • Infarctions
  • Angina
  • Hypertension

Our specially trained physiotherapists will share with you deep breathing and circulation techniques that help prevent further respiratory and vascular complications such as chest infection and deep venous thrombosis (DVTs), mobility assistance, help build muscle strength and improve lung capacity while dealing holistically with your coughing bouts by loosening secretions. Very soon you will enhance your sense of wellbeing, feel limber and younger with bursts of newfound energy.

Depending on your condition, your physiotherapy treatment may include:

  • Hands-on Techniques and Breathing Facilitation Exercises: to expand your lung capacity
  • Percussions and Vibrations: to help you loosen secretions and make coughing easier
  • Breathing and Circulation Exercises: to prevent further respiratory and vascular complications such as chest infection and deep venous thrombosis (DVTs)
  • Individually Tailored Exercises: to control your breathing pattern, build muscle strength and endurance and improve your general health and wellbeing
  • Bed, Chair and Standing Exercises: to prevent deep vein thrombosis (clots)
  • Prevention or resolution of minor lung infections

So do not waste another day, it is your right to feel good, feel strong, feel well.


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