As mankind goes higher, faster and further, the stress on the body intensifies. While there is no doubt that sport and physical activity have great benefits, sometimes we can go a bridge too far and injure ourselves. At Dubai London Clinic the sports massage is intrinsic to quick relief and recovery because it goes straight to the root cause and defines it.

Common Conditions Treated with Massage Therapy:

  • Sport related injuries
  • Pain and discomfort following a motor vehicle accident
  • Injuries associated with slips and falls
  • Muscle tension
  • Back, leg and neck pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation

Our expert Physiotherapists use therapy techniques and treatments that are tailor-made for sports related injuries and pains and aches that might accrue from slips and falls.

Improved circulation, stress relief measures and a reduction in the physical, mental, and emotional state of the patient are part of the synergy that is created, and it is this capability that accelerates recovery and ensures there is no further dysfunction. We get you back on the field as soon as possible. Sports massages can also be used to energise the body and give the muscles a suppleness and strengthening even when there are no injuries.


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