Dr. Ali graduated from the prestigious Mosul University in Iraq. He moved to Sweden after his graduation, where he completed a one-year postgraduate course at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, after which he started practising as a general dentist in Sweden. With over 11 years of experience, Dr. Ali has developed expertise in various fields of dentistry, including paediatric dentistry, restorative and cosmetic dentistry, dental emergencies, root canals, and orthodontic treatment.
Languages Spoken : English, Arabic, Swedish
- Paediatric dentistry
- Root canal treatment
- Restorative treatment
- Extraction and moderate surgical extraction cases
- Crowns, bridges, and veneers
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Teeth cleaning, whitening, and bleaching
- Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) Jönköping, Sweden
- Veneers and smile design course, Dubai
- Minor oral surgical operations diploma course, Stockholm, Sweden
- Straumann implant prosthetic course, Stockholm, Sweden
- Paediatric dentistry management course, Jönköping, Sweden
- Ivoclar esthetic course, Stockholm, Sweden
- Leader and Dentium implant course
- Emergency dentistry course, Jönköping, Sweden