Dr. Zheng Nan is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and is one of the most well-known specialists in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Dubai.
She studied Western Medicine courses in China, Shichuan, Luzhou Medical University and also studied neurosystems in Huaxin Medical University. She worked as a Doctor-in-charge & Professor in the Acupuncture Department of the Hospital affiliated with Chengu TCM University, one of the most famous TCM University in China.
Dr. Zheng’s Acupuncture techniques can help tackle Pain Management, Stress & Anxiety, Energy Levels, General Wellbeing and even Chronic Illnesses.
Pain management - Migraines, headaches, neck & shoulder, back, abdomen, legs, arms, joints, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
Chronic illness - Insomnia, smoking related issues, bronchitis, asthma, hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, liver dysfunction, ulcer, gastric and colon problems, gall bladder disorder, movement impairment, skin diseases, acne, allergies, psoriasis, haemorrhoids & hair loss
Women’s health - Menstrual disorders, menopause, PMS, general women’s health and wellbeing
Men’s health - General men’s health and wellbeing
Energy related issues - Fatigue, stress, issues related to aging
- MD – Medical College China
- Certificate in physician-in-charge of Acupuncture and Moxibustion – Chengdu TC University
- Certificate in clinical nervous disease – Huaxi Medical University, China