Don’t let seasonal allergies take the spring out of your step

The ENT (ear, nose, and throat) are vital organs that are not sentinels of our health but an advanced guard of potential trouble. Ear infections through yeast could indicate deeper issues like increased sugar. Inflamed sinuses, nasal congestion and lung problems are usually interconnected.
Dubai London Clinic’s sterling reputation in this field makes us the best private clinic option in Dubai to tackle common ENT issues including snoring, sleep apnoea, glue ears, childhood hearing loss, and allergies to name a few.
Gigantic strides have been taken in the realm of allergies what with over 40 per cent of humans allergic to food or mould, dust, pollen or pets. Often enough and sadly so, the allergy is something they cannot home in on despite exhausting efforts to find the cause. Why suffer when the best professional help is now available right here in Dubai?
Our team of ENT experts can pinpoint the possible allergen that is activating the histamine which is causing that awful state of misery. The wrong antihistamine, the home ‘cures’, uncontrolled consumption of meds resulting in diminishing returns and a sense of defeat over time can all be addressed and rectified.
When such dependable help is at hand it seems pointless to suffer unnecessarily and function at half your capacity because of lack of sleep, fatigue from fighting the discomfort and general depression. From immunotherapy options to advising you on your environment, our doctors help find long-term solutions.
If you have running nasal passages, sneezing fits, frequent sore throats and coughs, earaches, or swollen lymph nodes, skip the soup and the herbal poultice and come to us. We will have you come in sneezing and leaving us smiling in next to no time.
At Dubai London Clinic we address a multitude of issues right across the ENT spectrum providing relief and comfort to both adults and children.
We also have the in-house capabilities to provide treatment for adult hearing loss and injuries to the tympanic membrane as well as conduct Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) in cases of sinusitis and facial pain, coblation surgery for nasal obstruction and the surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum.
To book an appointment with one of our ENT Specialists or Consultants, please call us on 800 352.