The breast thing about being a woman

It is estimated that about one in eight women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer during their lifetime. But the good news is that if it’s detected early, the treatment will be successful, and the patient shall make a full recovery. The likelihood of getting Breast Cancer increases with age, all women aged from their mid-40s are recommended to undergo Breast Cancer Screening every two to three years.
At DLC, we offer thorough Breast Screening Examinations, the aim of which is to detect abnormal breast tissue and detect Breast Cancers early. Breast Cancer can be detected early by an X-Ray test called a Mammogram that can spot breast lumps when they are too small to see or feel. Most experts agree that regular Breast Screening is beneficial in identifying Breast Cancer early. The earlier the condition is found, the better the chances of surviving it. Also, you are less likely to have your breast removed (a Mastectomy) or Chemotherapy if the Breast Cancer is detected at an early stage.
During the screening, your breasts will be X-Rayed separately. The breast is placed on the X-Ray machine and gently but firmly compressed with a clear plate. Two X-Rays are taken of each breast at different angles. After your breasts have been X-Rayed, the Mammogram will be checked for any abnormalities.
After screening, about one in 25 women will be called back for further assessment. This does not necessarily mean you have Cancer – it could be that the first Mammogram was unclear.
Furthermore, our Doctors can also advise you on the self-check procedure which you can do at home to examine your breasts for changes, prior to or in between screening appointments. But if you do feel a lump or an area of thickened tissue in a breast, you should not wait to be offered screening, instead you should book an appointment with one of our Women’s Health Specialists who can examine you more thoroughly and offer guidance on the next steps you should take to ensure you – and your breasts – are in optimum health.
For further details on our Women’s Health Specialists, please contact us on 800 352 and book a consultation with our Specialist Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Specialists in Internal Medicine or our Family Medicine Doctors.